"Stand up together. Because that's when we're strongest - as one."
From the Lucas Film series Star Wars, Ezra Bridger, code name Spectre 6 is a human in the Star Wars galaxy and a Jedi Padawan. Ezra trained under the Jedi Master Kanan Jarrus and is known for his bright orange jumpsuit. Throughout his childhood, Ezra would occasionally trigger strange abilities, which allowed him to see into the future. At the time, Ezra didn't know the true nature of these abilities, which, in truth, was the Force.
During his time with the rebels, Ezra dedicated himself to a purpose beyond simply surviving, and saw his opposition to the Empire as a way to honor his parents’ sacrifice. He also grew as a Jedi, learning to control his powers and use them responsibly.
See him in the Clone Series, the Rebels series, Lego Star Wars movies and TV, cartoon and gaming versions.