Iron-Man, also known as Tony Stark, is a popular superhero in Marvel Comics and Disney's Marvel Cinematic Universe. With an impressive line-up of appearances in movies such as Iron-Man, The Avengers, and Avengers: Endgame, he is widely recognized for his crimson and gold metallic suit, complete with an arc reactor that gives him superpowers. The suit was meticulously designed by Tony Stark, a brilliant Engineer and leader of the Avengers. This is a Premium Iron Man Costume for children.
- Premium jumpsuit with digitally printed bodice, fibre filled amour and stitching detail. Jumpsuit features padded muscle chest and iconic "heart" at centre of chest
- Full length sleeves with digital print, fibre filled armour and stitching detail
- Pants with digital print on front and back feature attached foam-backed boot tops
- Moulded mask with painted features and elastic band with velcro fasten
- One pair of gloves, wrist high with digital print
- This is an officially licensed Marvel product
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