This orange-and-black striped Clownfish voiced by actor Alexander Gould, suffers a gimpy fin and a broken heart in the classic Disney Pixar movie "Finding Nemo" (2003). Separated from his over-protective father as just a baby, Marlin and the dopey but delightful Dory become companions under the sea as they search for young Nemo. Assisted by Gill the Pelican, Nemo does his best not to become shark bait as he travels the wide, open seas looking for his father. Also a star of the 2016 sequel, "Finding Dory" Nemo helps Dory to be re-united with her parents.
- Foam filled character tabard with velcro fastens at rear and digitally printed Nemo face on front
- Attached felt fins and flippers with printed details on front, sides and at rear
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